Nov 7, 2014

The Physics of Quarter-Life Crisis

August 21st, 2014

So you know how in stories, the protagonist always struggles through some terrible battle or dark valley? Then they find the light, push through, seize the day, win the game, save the world. Of course, the lesson is simple: victory is just an epiphany away, all you need is one more push.

At least, that's what I learned. But life isn't like that. Instead of doling out magic swords and great quests, the world always seems to find unexpected ways to smack you upside the head. Instead of "once upon a time" I think all stories should start with "just when I thought I had it all together…"

Several weeks ago, I got back from a month-long trip through Europe. And immediately upon arriving in the States, I felt like a deer stepping from forest onto paved road. Adventures, exotic locations, and split-second decisions that changed what country I slept in all contrasted enormously to my life back here. That shock of coming back, combined with a breakup soon after, wrought more than a few changes in my life. And I couldn't label that process until my brother - the one with a Master's in mental health - gave it a name: quarter-life crisis.